Human motivators and needs

Direction setting

Action and activation

Increasing engagement through comedy – Australian National University

2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Australian National University - Chief Information Security Office

How might we build the cyber literacy of our staff and students through training modules, a website and other communication material?

The Australian National University is widely regarded as one of the best universities in Australia and is consistently ranked among the top universities globally. They recognised the need to educate staff and students on the critical topic of cybersecurity. They approached us with a unique challenge: transforming a traditionally serious and dry subject into an engaging and memorable learning experience. The goal was to not only impart knowledge but also create a buzz around cybersecurity awareness.

Understanding the audience, their knowledge levels and demonstrating the positive impact cyber education can have on their lives were key themes to the project. 

We took a bold and unconventional approach by bringing humour into cybersecurity education. The comprehensive solution included the following key elements:

  • Comedic training videos
    Rowdy collaborated with local comedian and ANU alumnus, Chris Ryan, to produce a suite of entertaining and educational training videos. These videos used humour and wit to convey important cybersecurity concepts.
  • Prominent cameo appearances
    To further engage the ANU community, the videos featured cameo appearances from high-profile figures, including the Vice-Chancellor Brian Schmidt and the Chancellor Julie Bishop. Their participation added credibility and interest.
  • Dedicated website
    We designed and developed a dedicated website that hosted an introduction video and provided additional cybersecurity resources, details, and materials.
  • Communication strategy
    We devised a communication strategy to promote the videos and raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity. This included ideas for an ambassador’s program and on-campus promotions.
  • Merchandise and ongoing promotion
    We created merchandise and promotional materials to sustain interest in cybersecurity awareness over the long term.


Greater value for their audiences was achieved by:


  • Engaged learning
    The humorous training videos captivated the audience, making complex cybersecurity topics accessible, relatable, and engaging. This approach ensured that staff and students actively participated in the learning process.
  • Awareness and conversation
    The videos initiated conversations about cybersecurity across the ANU campus. They not only educated but also sparked interest in a subject that can be overlooked.
  • Prominent endorsement
    The participation of Vice-Chancellor Brian Schmidt and Chancellor Julie Bishop lent credibility to the initiative, reinforcing its importance within the university.
  • Widespread success
    The videos were widely talked about and deemed very successful by the ANU, achieving the goal of raising cybersecurity awareness.