Action and activation

A new website – UN Women Australia


UN Women Australia

How might we develop a website that’s user friendly and inviting?

UN Women Australia, the national committee of UN Women, plays a crucial role in advocating for gender equality and women’s empowerment. Recognising the need for a robust online presence to effectively communicate their mission, engage supporters, and facilitate donations, UN Women Australia engaged rowdy to design and develop a user-friendly website.

The challenge was to create a website that not only reflected UN Women Australia’s mission but also provided an exceptional user experience. This required a human-centered approach to website design, seamless CRM integration, donation functionality, and a thorough focus on user experience.


Our comprehensive approach significantly added value to UN Women Australia’s digital presence:

  • Human-centered design
    We began by conducting in-depth user research to understand the needs, preferences, and behaviours of the website’s target audience. This user-centric approach informed the entire design process.
  • User experience
    We prioritised user experience throughout the design and development phases. This involved creating intuitive navigation, clear information architecture, and responsive design to ensure the website was accessible and user-friendly across devices.
  • CRM integration
    To enhance supporter engagement and donor management, we integrated a CRM system seamlessly into the website. This allowed UN Women Australia to efficiently manage and communicate with supporters.
  • Donation functionality
    We implemented user-friendly donation functionality, making it easy for visitors to contribute to UN Women Australia’s causes directly through the website. This streamlined the donation process and encouraged financial support.


Greater value for their audiences was achieved by:

  • Enhanced user experience
    The user-centric design approach resulted in a website that was intuitive, engaging, and accessible, fostering a positive experience for visitors.
  • Efficient donor management
    CRM integration improved supporter engagement and streamlined donor management, enabling UN Women Australia to effectively communicate with and nurture relationships with their supporters.
  • Increased donations
    User-friendly donation functionality made it easier for visitors to contribute, resulting in increased financial support for UN Women Australia’s initiatives.
  • Responsive design
    The responsive design ensured that the website was accessible and functional across various devices, catering to a diverse audience.